Polaris Productions’ Three Mondays in June!
What: Improvisation and Pizza from 4:30 – 6:30
When: June 10, 17 & 24
Time: 4:30 – 6:30
Where: CAP21 Studios, 18 W. 18th St.
Cost: $10/session (covers space fee and pizza purchase)
RSVP: June 9 (Sunday)
Of Note: Mondays in July on the Horizon
We relish these informal sessions to explore acting technque through theater games and improvisation. The beauty of improvisation is that it comes from the actor so there is a direct “pipeline” from the creative core to the performance experience which can be considered the epitome of good acting. We begin with a brief physical warm-up leading into character work, move on to improvisation and end the session with pizza next door. Our goal for the Summer Sessions is to develop a short written scene based on a favorite improvisation which will culminate in a studio performance for a small invited audience. There is a $10/session fee for each these workshops to cover space rental and pizza. Thank you and see you in the studio!